Our vision is to reconnect people with memories and feelings associated with their love of cinema

How it works
We create a fun and stimulating environment for all involved, using film clips, still images, memorabilia and audio. Our groups are inclusive and have shown to be beneficial to those living with dementia, as well as carers, people who are lonely, socially isolated or just enjoy getting involved with a community who have a shared interest.
Welcoming new communities
We adapt our material to reflect differencing needs. We work successfully with the blind and deaf community as well as those who live with MS or Parkinson’s and other disabilities
Our Groups
Screen Memories and Covid-19
At the moment we are unable to run our sessions as normal, however we have recently been delivering then in various ways online. We are adapting to this new way of interacting on a daily basis and are happy to discuss how we can help bring Screen Memories to you in this way.

Why Screen Memories?
Cinema played a significant role in peoples’ lives and in the pre-television era was the major form of entertainment for many. Early experiences of Saturday morning matinees, the collectable cards, the film magazines, nights out watching an epic film, courtship – these are extremely powerful memories.
These experiences were shared ones and a real sense of community was established by visits to the local cinemas. They have become part of a collective memory. This is the feeling we try to bring to life in our sessions.
The Screen Memories sessions have produced positive benefits and the shared activity and interaction has been remarkable. The work of Screen Memories can help reduce potential isolation and provide support through person-centred stimulation and cognitive exercise.
“People come away from the groups far more self confident, their communication skills have improved…the changes before and after a group are quite dramatic. Family members are surprised at the positive impact the sessions have had on those attending.”
Latest News
June Quizzes
Here are the quiz sheets and answers for June's quizzes! SCREEN-MEMORIES-REVIEW-JUNE-7TH-2021Download ANSWERS-SCREEN-MEMORIES-REVIEW-JUNE-7TH-2021Download SCREEN-MEMORIES-REVIEW-JUNE-14TH-2021Download ANSWERS-SCREEN-MEMORIES-REVIEW-JUNE-14TH-2021Download...
Screen Memories go to Hamilton
At the beginning of November we made a trip up to Orkney. It was a busy schedule and we managed to set up training sessions for new volunteers and staff.